The programme is articulated around three case studies, following completion of an introductory module covering the basics of sustainable architecture:
Introductory module
Transforming cities
September to December
Designing for change
December to April
Renovating the built environment
April to July
The strategy behind
the syllabus
360o vision throughout
The MDI Madrid Master of Real Estate is structured as an iterative process, rather than teaching each subject one after the other. The various subjects are revisited each quarter, expanding on the content already taught and applying them to increasingly complex situations.
Multiple perspectives
ou will take on different roles throughout your post-graduate programme with the dual objective of giving you the versatility you need to work in very different positions and the know-how required to identify the priorities of the various agents you will come in contact with, so as to able to reach agreements.
Guided learning
The MDI Madrid Master of Real Estate is accompanied by an ambitious tutoring programme whereby students can reach out to sector experts when working on their case studies. For the second case study, in which the project groups compete with each other, each group is assigned a primary tutor who helps them put together a unique value proposition.
No need to worry about what you have studied before
Any lack of technical and financial training is covered by supplementary classes throughout the first quarter. By the end of the programme you will be fully competent in areas you knew nothing about a few months earlier.